SiteLink CallCenter API timezone

I'm posting here because I'm quite confused with the way SiteLink API parses and returns information where timezone is important.

My site/facility is set to Singapore time, GMT+8.

I'm using TenantInvoicesByTenantID, requesting for all invoices for a particular tenant, from 0000 hrs to 2359hrs of a particular day.

This is my request body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <TenantInvoicesByTenantID xmlns="">

Question 1: Does the API interpret this as "Give me all invoices invoiced on 6 Aug 2021 GMT+8", or "Give me all invoices invoiced on 06 Aug 2021 UTC"?

This is a snippet of the response I receive:

<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1">
  <NewDataSet xmlns="">
      <Table diffgr:id="Table1" msdata:rowOrder="0">

Question 2: dInvoiced is 2021-08-06T09:18:13.577-04:00. Do I take this to mean that this invoice was invoiced on 6 Aug 2021 GMT-5, and when I convert it to GMT+8, be 7 Aug 2021 GMT +8? Or do I take this to mean that the invoice was invoiced on 6 Aug 2021 GMT+8, please ignore the timezone?


  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi, @terencey. We're sorry for this confusion and to best assist you, please contact Thank you!
  • terencey
    terencey Registered User
    edited November 2021
    Thanks @storable_support

    Is different from

    The reason I asked this question in the forums is because I'm not getting a clear and direct answer from
  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi again, @terencey; yes, is the support address for all API-related issues that are typically out of scope for Support. We're so glad that you asked, so we could better direct you. Additionally, we're going to make sure that Support knows to do this moving forward for all customers reaching out with API questions. Thank you, Amy C.

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