Always locked out getting checked by mistake often!
Registered User ✭✭✭✭
Has anyone else had an issue with the Locked out box accidentally getting checked when opening a tenant's info page? My assistant keeps checking this by accident. You don't have to be over the box (just in the vicinity) for the check to click on. This is frustrating. Also, when I correct it by unchecking... it does not process as not locked out until the next day. I have to click the "never" when I catch it and then uncheck it the next day. @storable_support can you fix this where the curser must be in the box for it to check? Please and thank you!
Not having that problem here. Curser has to be in the box for it to work.0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I've never had this issue in the 4 years I've used SL. Curser has to be on it or directly to the right of the wording. I tried all clicking all around it and it's only those two instances that it checks the box. The only thing in the vicinity on the right of it would be in the Ledger Settings, but she would have to be way off trying to select "E-Mail" for Document Delivery. If she's in the Tenant Info screen, there is nothing to the right of the box and clicking above or below doesn't check the box.0
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I've been using SLWE since 2008 and I have never had this happen.0
As someone who frequently audits self-storage sites for theft, I would advise you to check up on the units involved; you may discover that it's not actually an accident. For instance, a "Never Lock Out at Gate" setting is often applied to units that are being collected under the table by unscrupulous managers, and the receipts are often either forged or coming from a manual book. This prevents gate lockouts from alerting the tenant to the fact that their payments aren't being applied in the system in a timely manner. Inversely, an "Always Lock Out" setting can cause tenants to be unable to access their units long enough for a shifty manager to liberate items from units on the sly, to sell wherever they can. We all hate to think of our employees/co-workers being dishonest, but it is a real (and unfortunately common) problem.
I hope, sincerely, that this doesn't apply to your case. Good luck!
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themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I am not sure how the box is being checked accidentally, but as far as the gate not updating until the next day, you should be able to run the full gate update if you have more than one, or just toggle the tenant's access settings (payment screen, "access" tab, click the edit button. under gate status select locked, and then select unlocked.) Hit OK and the gate should update for that tenant.1
I tested this and am having the same issue. for the engineers, this is actually true for all checkable boxes on this page. you do not need to check the box, just click (or accidently click) anywhere to the right of the box and the box ends up being checked. (tax exempt, SMS opt-in, disable online access, never lock out, always lock out etc.) Interestingly enough, I never registered those gate access buttons were even on that screen, I have always used those buttons strictly through the ledger settings. I, unfortunately, cannot understand how they are clicking this button. Yes, it is selecting the option by clicking anywhere near the statement and not just by clicking on the box, but have you got an idea what they are doing clicking in that area of the screen to begin with? From my experience the only time the right half of the portal is used is only to input DL # and DOB and those are found at the very top.
SL should fix the button checking issue, but for now the employee needs to focus on double checking the work before proceeding and only clicking the mouse when they intend to click on something.1 -
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Just thinking about my own flow on that screen: maybe clicking outside a box after changing some data and not paying attention to the pointer location, or maybe using a touchpad on a laptop and accidentally clicking when repositioning a finger. Seems like a training issue. Use TAB to exit a box, watch where you click, use a mouse instead of a touchpad. Of course, this all assumes everyone's screen is laid out like mine is, and that they are not using a touch screen.
As far as Sitelink reducing the clickable area, we have a manager with hand tremors, so the larger click targets work better for them. I am not sure restricting the click space to the actual check boxes is a really good option, but if this is a big enough problem, that might be the best solution.1 -
So, I just tested a theory. If you click on a tenant on tenants list (making it blue) and then double click, if curser is in the right WILL check one of the boxes. She may be clicking extra if the pc is running a little bit slow, and then not noticing the box is checked.1
Hi, @AnitaJohnson1269. Thank you for elevating this issue to us. While what you're describing is inherent to Windows for grouped controls (e.g. sets of radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.) and clicks are intended to be accepted within the bounds of the (invisible) grouping box, the issues that this functionality could cause are significant. We are going to look further into the impacts of this design and consider alternatives that will deter such unwanted changes. Again, thank you for bringing this to our attention.0
I had this same issue and talked to SL Support extensively. Actually if you test the "cursor check box" problem most of the screens work the same way. Support said it was a "convenience" feature so you didn't have to be exactly on the box. GEEZ! I suggested a pop up warning. I really got no where with support.
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I figured out exactly what is happening. From the maps if you double click on a unit and then "double" click on address... the box is already checked when it opens the page. I think a lot of us are so accustomed to double clicking to open anything that everything should require a double click. Nope, the address from the map page only requires a single click and the way the info page opens your curser will be on the lock out area every time.0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭That would make sense. I don't ever click on our map button so I'm not entirely sure of what all it does. Glad you figured it out!0
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