Autopay for linked accounts with two separate credit cards
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My tenant has multiple units he wants to pay on two different credit cards using autopay. Is it best to unlink the accounts so the correct card he wishes to pay with automatically will process automatically, or is there a way to keep them linked and autopay on the date due using the card that the tenant has specified for each unit? I think one is a company unit and the other is personal and that's why he wants it this way. PS-Category field would not let me select Billing & Payment category.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Nope. Just put the card he wants to use on each unit from the Tenant screen. Do each unit at a time. Units stay linked and use whatever card they want. I have several like this.2
MamaDuke7 is correct, just set each unit to the correct card. This can be done either through the Payment or Tenant portals. I find it easiest through Tenant. The cards will automatically run the proper way when running a batch process, I too have several like this. You may also want to consider separating his accounts. If he is using one unit for personal and one for business, consider making him rent the business account under the business. This way the 2 accounts are fully separated1
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