Move In Process
Registered User ✭
Our facility has been using SiteLink for the past 16 years first stand alone and then the Web Edition. We love SiteLink and it has been great for our facility but there is one thing I absolutely DO NOT like. It is the move in process. We are doing it the EXACT same way we did it 16 years ago and it just takes too long. First we hand the tenant to be a tenant information sheet to fill out , that usually takes 5-10 minutes. Then we have to input some of that information into SiteLink while the tenant either waits at the counter or puts items in their unit, another 5 minutes or so. Then collecting and posting the payment, doing the e-sign contract and going over some need to knows and offering insurance another 10 minutes. Overall a 20 minute process at least.
You would think SL would have come up with a terminal that the customer can enter their information and make their payment thereby bypassing the tenant information sheet and the redundancy of some of the current steps. I have suggested this in support requests to no avail.
Do you have a better way of doing move ins? Please let us know as we need something better than what we have now for move ins.
Arlington South Self Storage
Arlington, TX
You would think SL would have come up with a terminal that the customer can enter their information and make their payment thereby bypassing the tenant information sheet and the redundancy of some of the current steps. I have suggested this in support requests to no avail.
Do you have a better way of doing move ins? Please let us know as we need something better than what we have now for move ins.
Arlington South Self Storage
Arlington, TX
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I know some use a tablet on the countertop for Sitelink. It certainly can all be done online. I do online rentals daily. That bypasses the need for any physical paperwork. I personally wouldn't ever choose another software. They all have drawbacks and SL is consistently #1 with consumers.
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Hi @MikeA747!
Have you tried Lead to Lease in MyHub instead of SiteLink WebEdition? Once I got familiar with the layout, I found it way smoother than the Lead to Lease process in SIteLink WebEdition.
A few things I've done to smooth out and speed up my move-ins:- I ask for their ID and I fill as much of the Tenant Information off that as I can. (First, MI, Last, DOB, ID number & state, etc.)
- I ask them for their best mailing address and just copy it off their ID if it's the same
- I ask them for their best contact email for important account notices
- I ask them for their best contact phone number if I need to get ahold of them
Give MyHub a try and let me know what you think!
Hope this helps!0 -
Hi Mike!
Have you tried Lead to Lease in MyHub instead of SiteLink WebEdition? Once I got familiar with the layout, I found it way smoother than the Lead to Lease process in SIteLink WebEdition.
A few things I've done to smooth out and speed up my move-ins:- I ask for their ID and I fill as much of the Tenant Information off that as I can. (First, MI, Last, DOB, ID number & state, etc.)
- I ask them for their best mailing address and just copy it off their ID if it's the same
- I ask them for their best contact email for important account notices
- I ask them for their best contact phone number if I need to get ahold of them
Give MyHub a try and let me know what you think!
Hope this helps!0 -
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭One thing I will give caution to when it comes to entering something a tenant has only dictated: If they ever go into lien and get auctioned, they can come back and say they never got notice of said auction. If you show where you got the info from (of lack thereof) they might win a lawsuit because you have no proof they gave you the address or email address to send the notices to. Just my 2 cents.3
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