Form Setup Problems
Registered User ✭✭✭
Is there any way to not have a blank line gap between unused fields in a form?
For example:
If there is no company name, then there is a blank gap (looks unprofessional).
If there is no second street address, then there is a blank gap (looks unprofessional).
Any ideas?
For example:
<Tenant.City>, <Tenant.Region> <Tenant.PostalCode>
If there is no company name, then there is a blank gap (looks unprofessional).
If there is no second street address, then there is a blank gap (looks unprofessional).
Any ideas?
Hi, @AlanKeller. Unfortunately, the form editor is not reactive to adjust for fields that have no data. However, labeling the lines may help. Here is an example from our default past-due notice:
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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭This is how I do the address. I don't worry about the company because I don't think anyone really notices a blank line between the name and address if there's no company. But if it really bothered me, I'd add it next to the name on the same line just like the 2 address fields.
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themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I am not certain, but it was something I ran across when playing with our forms. I believe that if there is no character (including spaces, but tabs seem ok?) before or after the keyword , it will not create the blank line if there is no company name. I just ran a test on one of our forms and that seems to be the case. The form I tested was HTML, but I think it works with RTF also.0
Ours leaves a space if no data but we have the <companyname> above the <tenantname> on our forms. So, if there is no Company name, there is just an extra space between the date and Tenant Name, address is as mamaduke7 suggested (side by side). If the gap bothers you, just flip the tenant and company keywords.2
We switched to this format a while back and I think it looks way better in the envelopes. Just make sure you run some test prints and folds to make sure the spacing works for you.
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Adjust the line spacing... that should do the trick.
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