Are we able to auction units that contain legal files?
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I have a very overdue customer, who is uncontactable, and emails are being opened but ignored. The issue is this client has a unit full of legal documents (files from his law firm) among other things such as office furniture. Wanting to know if any others have had this situation, If so how did you proceed.
Best Answer
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭You need to check the laws in your area. Here in California, we have to remove and shred them. We have a liability if anyone were to get into them and do anything with the information! So our auction ad would exclude the files and we would get them when the winner vacated the space.2
Thank you MamaDuke7 - That was very helpful :-)2
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