Best way to reverse and credit a prepaid monthly rent charge for a tenant that is not moving out.

Stephen Registered User
A new tenant set up an online profile so he can make credit card payments online. He was already paid until the end of March. He accidently made a payment online when he was setting up his profile. The tenant is now paid until the end of April but would like us to reverse that charge an issue him a credit for April. What is the best way to reverse the charge an issue a credit? 

Best Answer

  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Hi, @StephenSince you're located in Canada, the best, most efficient option is to reverse/refund the payment from their processor virtual terminal, then NSF the payment in  SiteLink (without charging any fee), and finally, issue the credit. 

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