Credit Card Payment Language
Registered User ✭✭✭
I was taking a CC payment over the phone (MyHub on Android phone), entered all the information into the proper fields, hit submit, and all the prompts were in a different language. In this instance, French. I am familiar enough with it to select the correct buttons, but the transaction kept recycling back and not going through. All of the rest of the MyHub interface was fine, but the processing prompts were in French.
Since I was close to the office, I came in and went to process the card transaction on the office computer so that I didn't have to inconvenience the customer further, and I found out that the transaction had indeed gone through on their account even though it did not act like it in (French) MyHub.
This is not the first time this has happened. It's not frequent by any means, but I would say that it has happened similarly 3-4 times in the past ~1-1/2 years. Last time I 'think' it switched to German, and maybe once, Chinese characters??
Anybody have any thoughts on this issue??
Since I was close to the office, I came in and went to process the card transaction on the office computer so that I didn't have to inconvenience the customer further, and I found out that the transaction had indeed gone through on their account even though it did not act like it in (French) MyHub.
This is not the first time this has happened. It's not frequent by any means, but I would say that it has happened similarly 3-4 times in the past ~1-1/2 years. Last time I 'think' it switched to German, and maybe once, Chinese characters??
Anybody have any thoughts on this issue??
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭That is very weird! I haven't experienced that yet.
@storable_support ?0 -
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Yes, I was updating access hours for a customer in MyHub a couple days ago and it was in French, too! But not everything was! I also knew what buttons I needed, so it wasn't a big deal.0
Hello, we are aware of the problem but do not have reliable reproduction steps to be able to investigate it further. If anyone can consistently reproduce the problem, please let us know! Thank you, Amy C.
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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I just tried to reproduce it using exactly what I did before...same customer even...and it's all in English now!!!0
So, I had this happen again, so I thought I would update with the details while I remembered them...
Customer called and wanted to change her phone number. In Myhub, I went to the payment screen for her unit, and selected the edit icon by her name. When I scroll down to save the information, the cancel/save icons are in Portuguese...0 -
MyHub was accessed on a Pixel 4a, Android 12.0
MyHub has a language drop down under Settings > Profile - mine was blank when opening that page.Also - the Storable website settings has an option for language. Might need to update this as well for tenants renting online. I would assume this a new setting - there are a lot of options on the settings pages for Storable website that were previously unavailable.
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@mistore, thank you so much for the update- @tmSK's answer is a great place to start! If you continue to have issues with it, please call our support team at 919-865-0789 Option 2. -Lyndsey H.0
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