Refund Security Deposit for Existing Tenant?
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We are currently in the process of expanding and while I was setting up units, someone managed to rent one of our new units before I had everything set correct in Sitelink. Tenant was charged a $100 security deposit that he was not supposed to be charged. Is there anyway to issue a refund for just the security deposit while the customer is still an active tenant?
We have never used security deposits and I'm at a total lost trying to figure out how to issue a simple refund.
We have never used security deposits and I'm at a total lost trying to figure out how to issue a simple refund.
If no daily close, you can void the transaction. If after daily close, the only way to clear it is to do a move out. I have seen suggestions that you could apply the $100 as a credit towards the next month's rent.5
AnitaJohnson1269 said:If no daily close, you can void the transaction. If after daily close, the only way to clear it is to do a move out. I have seen suggestions that you could apply the $100 as a credit towards the next month's rent.
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