Colorado! Are 1x1 cannabis growing units the future?

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It's a pretty common joke in the industry that facilities rent "boxes of air"
. Do you think anybody will try selling "boxes of light" and provide small spaces for people to grow cannabis? Anybody envisioning this being a part of the future of self-storage?

no...I don't think so. But, on a hot summer day as I am walking the lot, I can smell pot wafting out of a unit or two. Sometimes it's just too loud. I have to ask the tenant to knock it off0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
I did some research into it a year or so ago for my previous company into the feasibility of it. There are actually a couple of storages who have turned sections into "Grow" units and such incorporating everything needed into a unit to be used for such a thing.
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