Storable Payments: Autopay when adding an additional unit
Registered User ✭✭✭
There has to be some kind of work-around when a tenant adds a second unit. Currently, I have to get all the cc info again and verify AVS.
I get the new security updates and like them, but this is annoying.
Also, the AVS Mismatches need solving. I know that the card info is correct for the customer, yet the system says it's a mismatch.
At least the refunds seem to be processing smoothly now...
I get the new security updates and like them, but this is annoying.
Also, the AVS Mismatches need solving. I know that the card info is correct for the customer, yet the system says it's a mismatch.
At least the refunds seem to be processing smoothly now...
Pretty sure the developers and everyone at Storables have never actually tried using their software to run a business. It's the only explanation.0
Are the units linked together so when you open one account both units show up? As far as the AVS mismatch it means the address on file does not match info on credit card. Need to call tenant and ask for the address associated with card.0
operations / tenants and click on multi unit credit card. Select all units and put in the card number. After that they should be linked for auto bill
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ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭@RoyalStorage We're talking about when we rent a secondary unit to a tenant. There is no way, now that the system was updated, to add the card on file for the first unit, to the secondary unit after rental is completed...unless we have the card info again. As far as AVS mismatches: we have called our tenants and they have confirmed we have the correct address on file, but they still get mismatched by Storable Payments and that's an issue. It's an issue because SP is reporting bad info and because we get charged more for a transaction when their system says the address isn't a match.1
Just another "improvement" to make our lives easier from Storables.1
Improving the "copy/share card" experience is on our roadmap but we currently do not have an ETA. -Lyndsey H0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭storable_support said:Improving the "copy/share card" experience is on our roadmap but we currently do not have an ETA. -Lyndsey H0
helenatim said:At least the refunds seem to be processing smoothly now...
Are you processing refunds back onto a card the tenant either had on file or provided? I know the last time I tried again to process a move out and send the deposit back to a card, it still would not process.0 -
@ESS-More the latter. It will be the ability to choose a card from an existing rental and tie it to another. -Lyndsey H2
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭@storable_support awesome! That feature came in really handy, previously!1
GlenMark said:helenatim said:At least the refunds seem to be processing smoothly now...
Are you processing refunds back onto a card the tenant either had on file or provided? I know the last time I tried again to process a move out and send the deposit back to a card, it still would not process.0 -
helenatim said:GlenMark said:helenatim said:At least the refunds seem to be processing smoothly now...
Are you processing refunds back onto a card the tenant either had on file or provided? I know the last time I tried again to process a move out and send the deposit back to a card, it still would not process.0 -
storable_support said:@ESS-More the latter. It will be the ability to choose a card from an existing rental and tie it to another. -Lyndsey HBe sure that is prompted at move in of additional units.1
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