Texting Two Numbers
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Can we text 2 numbers with the same process as emailing 2 addresses?
Hi @igotthisnow- this could depend on your provider. I would recommend calling our support team at 919-865-0789 Option 2. -Lyndsey H0
Storable I guess intends on staying in the early 1990s when it comes to communicating with customers. How is it 2022 and I can hire twilio to send a text message in my system but if a person texts back I can’t get it.. it just doesn’t work. How can at this point in time they not have it where you can receive a text back and it notifies us and saves to the tenant notes ?Yes I’m aware I can hire Gene with SMS resources to get this. But I shouldn’t have to .. we pay 6% more this year .. we have to use their credit card processing now .. FIX TEXTING !!!! MAKE THE SYSTEM BETTER …5
Gotta agree with Jim0623 on this. Storable -please integrate texting with tracking of Texts in Notes. I tried signing on with SMS and just was not impressed and Twilio seems to have limitations.
So, when you get Payments and Access sorted out completely, how about Storable Text? I would pay a few more bucks each month...
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@Jim0623 and @helenatim - I have passed this to our developers and have let them know that you would like this feature to be available. -Lyndsey H2
We also need pre-payment text reminder capablity. I understand StorEdge has this. Maybe they could help ya'll get this set up...seriously.0 -
@storable_support been a month since this post and never heard a thing… been requesting the feature for years and nothing. How can storables other software storedge offer this but you can’t ? It’s literally within the same company. Your developers have developed it. It’s not new technology it’s laziness.0
@Jim0623 - We are working hard to get through a multitude of feature requests at this time. I know the wait is super frustrating and I apologize for that. -Lyndsey H.
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Lyndsey, as new features are added post them here and on Storage Talk. I haven't known of any "new" features...just fixing bugs in old ones.1
igotthisnow said:Can we text 2 numbers with the same process as emailing 2 addresses?
Hope that's helpful!
PS - Sorry to those who flag my posts because you feel it is "advertising". Not sure how to answer and solve owner/operator's questions when the answer IS using our software...0
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