Online Prepay

helenatim Registered User ✭✭✭
We assess rent on the 1st.  I have had a couple of tenants trying to make their next months payment on the 28th or 29th, but the online systems will not allow it.  Is their a setting I am missing that would allow online pre-pay?


  • ESS
    ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since there isn't a balance owed yet, they will click "Pay current plus next month's" then in the numerical box it will show the amount for the next month. They can also click "Current plus X amount of months". 
  • MamaDuke7
    MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭

  • helenatim
    helenatim Registered User ✭✭✭
    Thanks!! I am guessing some tenants have seen and done this, but many more have not.  I also think I need to setup one of my personal units with a payment so I can check the payment process out every once in a while

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