Solar for Self-Storage: I'm here to answer your questions
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Hi There,
I'm Aubrey Lethbridge, a Commercial Solar developer with Freedom Solar Power. We've done about half a dozen Self-Storage projects and I think it is a great potential industry for solar adoption. I've seen some really great posts among the community about solar, and I am excited that everyone here is dedicated to giving each other helpful, accurate, straightforward info. In that spirit, I wanted to offer my assistance as well.
I'd love to help you get a little more knowledge on the topic of solar. So, if you please, what are your biggest questions about how solar works?
I'm Aubrey Lethbridge, a Commercial Solar developer with Freedom Solar Power. We've done about half a dozen Self-Storage projects and I think it is a great potential industry for solar adoption. I've seen some really great posts among the community about solar, and I am excited that everyone here is dedicated to giving each other helpful, accurate, straightforward info. In that spirit, I wanted to offer my assistance as well.
I'd love to help you get a little more knowledge on the topic of solar. So, if you please, what are your biggest questions about how solar works?
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