Stop pay after making payment
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Hello, I had a past due tenant pay the amount due, move out of the storage unit then stop pay the payment. What are the next steps to get the funds from the bank back?
Best Answer
This is actually a type of check fraud. You could give them x amount of days to bring cash or money order before you press charges. We put a clause in our lease that if you are past due and write a check, you do not gain access until the check clears (10days). I wish there was a way SiteLink could add a button for those times we need to wait to reverse an overlock....not everyone pays attention to the notes.1
Thank you for you for responding, this is good.0
lstack said:Hello, I had a past due tenant pay the amount due, move out of the storage unit then stop pay the payment. What are the next steps to get the funds from the bank back?
Does your business have access to a collections agency? If so, send this tenant to collections.0 -
Thank you, I will need to look into that.0
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