Paid through dates not syncing with transfer
Yesterday I did a transfer (upgrade) from BU021 to BU056 ($215.00). Her anniversary date is the 31st of any month (that has 31 days). I collected the difference of $212.49 because she had a pro-rate credit of $3.00. When all was said and done, I noticed her paid through date said 12/30/2022. It should have said 01/30/2023. Every time I try to update it, it tells me there is an error and “the Lease date must be set earlier or equal to the move-in date and the Move-in date must be set earlier or equal to the first Rent charge date.” This makes no sense to me; I tried changing her move-in date and it won’t let me. I decided maybe it would fix itself over night since it seems like a last day of the year issue on SiteLink. When I got in this morning, sure enough she was set to run auto pay for $215.00 with a due date of today through the 30th of January.
The receipt reads 11/30-12/30 which isn’t even correct if it were true because there were not 31 days in November so it should have said 12/01-12/30. But in the upper right corner it says payment date 12/30/2022 3:53PM. The whole thing shows as receiving a payment on 12/30. But for some reason, it’s trying to collect this month again. I am baffled.
If anyone knows the best way to go with this, please help! I considered trying to move it out and back in again, or just crediting the new charges since it is actually already paid.
We had a move in do that a few weeks ago. Moved in 11-18, paid for the remainder of November and the month of December. The receipt showed paid thru 11-30 and the rent charged showed Nov 18 - Nov 30 and the next line "Nov 18-Nov 30" (full month's rent). We were told by support to credit December. No other explanation.
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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭sonyawiprud said:
The receipt reads 11/30-12/30 which isn’t even correct if it were true because there were not 31 days in November so it should have said 12/01-12/30. But in the upper right corner it says payment date 12/30/2022 3:53PM. The whole thing shows as receiving a payment on 12/30. But for some reason, it’s trying to collect this month again. I am baffled.
The rest I think you'll have to call support. They need to get into your system and see what happened.1 -
@sonyawiprud - Anniversaries on the last day of month can get complicated on a transfer. The cleanest fix is likely to move out and move in fresh. If you would like to troubleshoot this more, please contact our support team at 919-865-0789 Option 2. -Lyndsey H
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storable_support said:@sonyawiprud - Anniversaries on the last day of month can get complicated on a transfer. The cleanest fix is likely to move out and move in fresh. If you would like to troubleshoot this more, please contact our support team at 919-865-0789 Option 2. -Lyndsey H0
MamaDuke7 said:sonyawiprud said:
The receipt reads 11/30-12/30 which isn’t even correct if it were true because there were not 31 days in November so it should have said 12/01-12/30. But in the upper right corner it says payment date 12/30/2022 3:53PM. The whole thing shows as receiving a payment on 12/30. But for some reason, it’s trying to collect this month again. I am baffled.
The rest I think you'll have to call support. They need to get into your system and see what happened.0 -
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭sonyawiprud said:MamaDuke7 said:sonyawiprud said:
The receipt reads 11/30-12/30 which isn’t even correct if it were true because there were not 31 days in November so it should have said 12/01-12/30. But in the upper right corner it says payment date 12/30/2022 3:53PM. The whole thing shows as receiving a payment on 12/30. But for some reason, it’s trying to collect this month again. I am baffled.
The rest I think you'll have to call support. They need to get into your system and see what happened.1
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