Military customers
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@ChasityD - We do not currently have a report showing all military customers. However, you can try this query in the "Custom Reporting" screen and it may help you to find active tenants flagged as military:
Select T.*
From Tenants T
join MktgType M on T.MktgTypeID = M.MktgTypeID and T.siteID = M.siteID
Select Count(L.LedgerID)
From Ledgers L
Inner Join Access A On L.LedgerID = A.LedgerID
Where A.TenantID = T.TenantID
And L.dMovedOut Is Null
And L.dDeleted Is Null
) >= 1
and m.sdefmktgtypedesc = 'Military' (edited)
0 -
If you offer a military discount you pull up the discount reports2
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