Any recommendations on drill out bits for cylinder locks?
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We use the chateau cylinder locks and our drill out bits cost around $45 a bit... Was seeing if anyone knows of any better drill out bits that are much less and last a few drill outs.
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Are you using the bits from chateau?
I think any good 7/16" (or whatever size you use) drill bit would work. The cobalt alloy bits sold in most hardware stores should last a little while. It might be a good idea to get a Drill Doctor or some other good drill sharpener to touch up the bit after a few cuts, or learn to sharpen them by hand on a grinder.
Something else to try is keep a squirt bottle of water or cutting oil to keep the bit cool and lubricated while you are drilling.1 -
We use a die grinder and cut them off in about 30 seconds. Wheels cost about a $1 and will last several locks.0
Here's a video:
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I use a grinder w/cutoff wheel for my chateau cylinder locks. As long as they stick out a little which mine do. I gut them off just past the bevel, then tap with a hammer until the little pins and springs come out, then I use a set of oring pliers or small needlenose to insert into the holes and turn to take the lock out. It is a very quick and easy process once you get the hang of it. I'm less than a minute every time.0
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭When we used drill bits, we had really good luck with 3/16" Cobalt drill bits (DeWalt or any brand name) they were about $4 each and we could get about 3 cores drilled out of each.
(Edited because I didn't bother to read the "cylinder locks" part of the OP)
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