Rental Agreement
Registered User ✭✭
Good morning,
How do I find a template rental agreement on Sitelink or is there one? I've emailed asking Sitelink last week however haven't yet heard back.
We are on California.
Thank you.
How do I find a template rental agreement on Sitelink or is there one? I've emailed asking Sitelink last week however haven't yet heard back.
We are on California.
Thank you.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭That's something you need to get from the CSSA or from a storage attorney that does the rental agreements. They aren't built in to Sitelink because every state has different laws.1
That's what I thought but figured I'd ask. Thank you!2
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