My Gardening Attempt: Part 2

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A few days ago I decided to start blundering through a gardening project. Here's Part One!
Part Two:
I came home today to a very windy balcony. Everybody was looking a little beat up so I decided to take them inside:

There were a few casualties: the petunias I had so much hope for got knocked around a little too much. One of them is currently being supported by a piece of clay that chipped off one of my flower pots.
Before I doctored them up (and bonus picture of O.B):

And after:

Honestly, it's not looking so good. I've got a pretty close eye on my fern, too. His ends are getting a little dry and crinkly.
I'll wait until tomorrow before I make any major decisions. Maybe I'll bring him inside permanently... The only problem is O.B likes to chew on him.
I'll keep everybody posted! If you have any advice for me, let me know!
Part Two:
I came home today to a very windy balcony. Everybody was looking a little beat up so I decided to take them inside:

There were a few casualties: the petunias I had so much hope for got knocked around a little too much. One of them is currently being supported by a piece of clay that chipped off one of my flower pots.
Before I doctored them up (and bonus picture of O.B):

And after:

Honestly, it's not looking so good. I've got a pretty close eye on my fern, too. His ends are getting a little dry and crinkly.
I'll wait until tomorrow before I make any major decisions. Maybe I'll bring him inside permanently... The only problem is O.B likes to chew on him.
I'll keep everybody posted! If you have any advice for me, let me know!
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