Uploading pics- Files not showing up when uplaoding

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I am having a super random issue. When I go to upload ID and vehicle pictures through Payments its not seeing the files I have saved in their folder in my PC. ITs never done this before. Anyone have any thing I can try to troubleshoot?
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Are the pics saved as .jpg, .png or .pdf? It should see .jpg and .png when you chose the folder, but you would have to change the file type (at the end of the file name box in the upload screen) to see .PDF.
If these are pics that tenants have emailed, they may not be in one of the supported formats and you would have to convert them. We occasionally get .heic and other formats that windows sees ok, but Sitelink wont handle. Photoshop or other good Image Manipulation Programs can open them and then export or save them as .jpg.1 -
They are PDF. But Ive never had that problem before. I've always saved the ID photos as PDFs and uploaded them from Dropbox. So weird.
So I need to convert them to .jpg or .png?0 -
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭PDF should work fine. you would have to pull down and change the box highlighted in the image below to select .PDF.
If you still can't see the files after that, I am not sure what could be wrong. If the files are in Dropbox, maybe make sure they have finished syncing, too.1 -
The only file types the ephotos recognize are .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .pdf. If the files that you saved local on the computer are not one of those types, then you need to resave them. Also in the upload file screen it defaults to .bmp, .jpg, and .png. If you are uploading a .pdf then you'll need to click the drop down to select .pdf.1
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