Can I print multiple receipts at once?
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So batch auto pays allows all receipts to print at once automatically but I'm unable to find this option for the normal payment screen? Is this possible? I found another forum from 2020 that said it's not possible but maybe this has changed? (Hopefully). If anyone can lend some insight to this it would be greatly appreciated. At this time, I have to click each one individually then click print.
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Are you trying to print multiple receipts for the same person, or for different people?
Payment history or Receipts reports might be easier, depending on what you need.0 -
From different people. Just the daily receipts, ideally I'd like to to just tell sitelink to print all the receipts for the day instead of clicking on each one0
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭The Receipts or Receipts Details report under Financial Reports will show everything for the day in compact form, so you can save paper and hassle if you are just reviewing them.
If you are printing them for mailing or filing, it might be easier to print the receipt at the time payment is made.0 -
It would be for filing and there are multiple sources accepting the payments other than auto pays and manual payments (online and kiosk) so if I print it out at the time of payment, it kind of throws things off and i have to sort through which ones have been printed and which ones i still need to print. It'd make everything easier if i could have them all print out at one time.0
also, if I print out the summary page, it does not show the payment type at all. Just the source of where the payment was made.0
nevermind, i just discovered it shows payment types in reports>receipts0
Currently there is not a way to batch print receipts, with the exception of when the autobills are ran. I apologize for the inconvenience.0
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