Is there an RSS Feed for the status page?
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This is perhaps an odd question, I'm a member of a discord server for storage operators and Uhaul dealers. We have a bot that monitors the RSS feed for and posts any new issues into a channel, it's very helpful in making sure everyone is aware of problems as Uhaul is not always the most communicative to dealers.
We'd like to set up something similar for, but can only see an option to subscribe via email. Is there a secret RSS feed I could plug into? Or could Storable consider adding this feature to their status page?
This is perhaps an odd question, I'm a member of a discord server for storage operators and Uhaul dealers. We have a bot that monitors the RSS feed for and posts any new issues into a channel, it's very helpful in making sure everyone is aware of problems as Uhaul is not always the most communicative to dealers.
We'd like to set up something similar for, but can only see an option to subscribe via email. Is there a secret RSS feed I could plug into? Or could Storable consider adding this feature to their status page?
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