Parking Spot rentals; OK or not?

Registered User ✭✭✭
I just got a inquiry from a customer who would like to store his forklift in one of our parking spaces.
He stated he has a bill of sale and the title to demonstrate proof of ownership, in addition to his own insurance.
Are there any other documents you guys would require before allowing this customer to park here? The forklift does not have any tags/registration.
Any input is appreciated. Thank you.
He stated he has a bill of sale and the title to demonstrate proof of ownership, in addition to his own insurance.
Are there any other documents you guys would require before allowing this customer to park here? The forklift does not have any tags/registration.
Any input is appreciated. Thank you.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭As long as he can show ownership and insurance, I'd be fine with it. If it comes in and sits on a trailer, I'd require the registration and insurance for that, too.1
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