Insurance changes

ShawnK Unconfirmed, Registered User
I had a tenant who wanted to increase their ins. plan recently.  I was able to cancel the existing policy with no problem.  When I tried to select the new plan, I received an error message stating that I could not apply insurance to a unit with a plan in place.  There is no plan in place.  Sitelink says there is no fix.  I have to move the tenant out of the unit and move them back in with the correct plan.  Unacceptable.  This did not occur before the last update.  Please fix this ASAP.  What's worse is I don't see any mention of this problem existing.  Am I the only one?


  • sheryllstone
    sheryllstone Unconfirmed, Registered User
    edited February 2024
    I had a tenant who wanted to increase their ins. plan recently.  I was able to cancel the existing policy with no problem.  When I tried to select the new plan, I received an error message stating that I could not apply insurance to a unit with a plan in place.  There is no plan in place.  Sitelink says there is no fix.  I have to move the tenant out of the unit and move them back in with the correct plan.  Unacceptable.  This did not occur before the last update.  Please fix this ASAP.  What's worse is I don't see any mention of this problem existing.  Am I the only one?
    No, you are not the only one. I also have the same problem. Did you find the solution?
    GM_SJ_BSS Registered User ✭✭✭
    I have had this same thing happen.  So when you cancel the storsmart insurance, it will make you pick a cancellation date.  I tried over and over to add a new policy, saying a policy could not be added due to existing policy until I realized sitelink will not allow me to add a new policy until after the cancellation date has actually passed.

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