English to Spanish lease
Registered User ✭✭
I need to translate the lease from English to Spanish. Google won't translate a pdf and when I tried to convert it to Word, it corrupted the file and we had to get a tech support person to fix everything. Somehow Microsoft Edge got corrupted. I have Adobe Acrobat but still don't know how to find a website to translate. Thanks for any help or insight on this matter.
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Years ago I had to convert it to a Word doc, thankfully it wasn't too messed up. I had to correct all the issues in the doc, then copy/paste it into DeepL Translate via web browser, then put it back onto the Word doc.
Their site actually has the ability to translate PDFs, too. I always translate to Spanish, then back to English to make sure it makes sense, then back to Spanish.1
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