How to require an ePhoto at move-in?
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When doing a move-in, on the 'Finish Move-In' screen, the 'Payment' and 'eSign' buttons are highlighted green to show they're required before fully processing the move-in. Is there any way to make the 'ePhotos & eFiles' button green as well? We require tenant photos at our facility, and it would help streamline the move-in process for our managers.
Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Our workflow is to upload the pictures in the payment screen before we take payment (or after if necessary). Since the ePhotos and eFiles screen is inside the payment screen, having it highlighted in the finish move in could be redundant.0
Hi @tashertot - this feature is not currently available. However, I have passed it onto our product team and they stated that they are currently working on tenant verification methods. If something does become available, I will make sure to post it.
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