Tenant using Virtual mail

dperry Registered User ✭✭
We were asked to use a virtual mailbox with one of our tenants as the last known mailing address is no longer the tenants address. We have and we use the email address
My question is, is it legal to use a virtual mailbox or is that something we need to be concerned with being we have a good email?


  • AnitaJohnson1269
    AnitaJohnson1269 Registered User ✭✭✭✭
    To my understanding, a virtual mailbox is similar to a P.O. Box, but the Post office has access to open the mail and scan it to a pdf. 
    Can virtual mailbox receive Certified Mail?
    Because your Virtual PO Box physical address is like a post office box with a real street address not a standard PO box address, you can receive packages from any carrier, including UPS and FedEx, at a secure location that is a Certified Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA), authorized by the USPS to receive your mail.
  • BusyProperties
    BusyProperties Registered User ✭✭✭
    I would think that if you had it documented that it was requested by the tenant then yes, it would be considered the tenant's "last known address" 

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