Issuing a Credit to Adjust Account
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I am sure I recently saw a post about this. And I commented on it. Can't find it now. I have the exact situation. Customer transferred to a different unit. I need to issue a credit due to a rate adjustment. I go to Edit Charges and can type the number in the credit box but it goes back to zero. At times in the past I have been able to enter it in the discount box but I can't even type in that box. Any help? Thanks
The only time I had this happen to me, is if there is a payment amount listed in the box on the payment screen, that must be at zero before going in to edit payment & charges. Also sometimes if the amount has already been discounted you won't be able to add a 2nd discount. The discount box can only be utilized by using the 'apply discount plan' on the left of the edit payments & discount. In the credit box, the credit can not be larger than the amount owed on the account.0
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