Insight on how i should word my rental increase notice
Unconfirmed, Registered User ✭
I am looking for some advice on how to word my rental increase notice.
Do you include the insurance plans on your notices? Or do you only include what the rent is going to increase to?
We currently have 2 different letters because we send a letter for the tenants with insurance, and letter to the tenants without insurance, so they are not confused about what their rate will total to with or without insurance.
If you could share the verbiage you use for your tenants on the rental increase notice i would greatly appreciate your feedback, thanks!
I am looking for some advice on how to word my rental increase notice.
Do you include the insurance plans on your notices? Or do you only include what the rent is going to increase to?
We currently have 2 different letters because we send a letter for the tenants with insurance, and letter to the tenants without insurance, so they are not confused about what their rate will total to with or without insurance.
If you could share the verbiage you use for your tenants on the rental increase notice i would greatly appreciate your feedback, thanks!
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