How to remove all old profiles created for additional access cards?

To add an extra access card, we need to create a basic profile and link it to the primary account using the new access card number. When people move out the profiles created for additional access cards remain. What is the best way to clean these up in the system? I would like to delete the extra profiles that were created solely for issuing additional access cards.


    GM_SJ_BSS Registered User ✭✭✭
    This is usually completed through the gate software and I think it also depends on what gate software you use.
  • Stephen
    Stephen Registered User
    The profiles remain in SiteLink when you go to add an extra access card. You can see all the other temp profiles created on the left when you create a new one.
    GM_SJ_BSS Registered User ✭✭✭
    edited August 2024
    Oooh   when you are on the tenant's page and you click on Access to the right it looks like a piece of paper sort, click on that and any names on the right should be able to remove that way.
    I don't believe you can delete the ones on the left as it is a mix of current and past tenants.  

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