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I'm finding the new e-sign more cumbersome than than the previous version. I've used the Topaz signature pad for in office rentals with no issues, yet it's support in the new e-sign has been discontinued:/ Why? Also, customers seem to be needing more help with the sign steps with online rentals. The update seems to have made things more complicated..not easier. We're in a mobile society lets keep it simple please.
We use opentech kiosks which utilizes Sitelink e-sign for the on-screen rental agreements, ever since the update the rental fails at the point of signature and doesn't display any agreement or on-screen options for the tenant so it just times out and doesn't give them the unit number, receipt or gate code.0
A better option would have been a beta test with a few signifant operators before the forced rollout. ie:CrowdStrike
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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭igotthisnow said:A better option would have been a beta test with a few signifant operators before the forced rollout. ie:CrowdStrike1
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