
I'm finding the new e-sign more cumbersome than than the previous version. I've used the Topaz signature pad for in office rentals with no issues, yet it's support in the new e-sign has been discontinued:/ Why? Also, customers seem to be needing more help with the sign steps with online rentals. The update seems to have made things more complicated..not easier. We're in a mobile society lets keep it simple please.


  • champstorage
    champstorage Registered User
    We use opentech kiosks which utilizes Sitelink e-sign for the on-screen rental agreements, ever since the update the rental fails at the point of signature and doesn't display any agreement or on-screen options for the tenant so it just times out and doesn't give them the unit number, receipt or gate code. 
  • igotthisnow
    igotthisnow Registered User ✭✭✭
    A better option would have been a beta test with a few signifant operators before the forced rollout.  ie:CrowdStrike
  • MamaDuke7
    MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    A better option would have been a beta test with a few signifant operators before the forced rollout.  ie:CrowdStrike
    Yeah, that would be great. But they never do that with anything they push out, sadly.
  • igotthisnow
    igotthisnow Registered User ✭✭✭
    SiteLink did a great job of fixing e-sign!   It's intuitive and smooth on both ends...
  • Parker
    Parker Registered User ✭✭
    I would like the option to still use Topaz pad.. it works fine for us.. I worried a older employee will only be more confused working tablet.
  • teesee150
    teesee150 Registered User ✭✭✭
    edited October 2024
    I was just updated to esign today and its a complete mess. My entire agreement is just a garbled mess. Why is sitelink switching everyone over when this system is obviously not ready or thoroughly tested? I have to get a actual signatures in person right now because its completely broken.
  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    @teesee150 - We are so sorry to hear that the new esign update is giving you trouble and apologize for any frustration this has caused. We recommend running a live update (instructions here: https://support.sitelink.com/hc/en-us/articles/4418865738007-How-do-I-run-a-Live-Update) and then rebooting your computer. If that doesn't work, please give us a call so we can take a look and troubleshoot further. 
  • igotthisnow
    igotthisnow Registered User ✭✭✭
    Yes, the Topaz was a great feature...
  • RRMS
    RRMS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified
    I tried it for the first time this morning. I have run a Live Update. We have an android tablet that I log into to do signatures. It comes up and then says the tab has crashed. 
  • Imbus
    Imbus Registered User ✭✭
    Sitelink has provided another GREAT update LOL. However, I am experiencing issues with the iPad crashing, requiring multiple refreshes for documents to appear. It is frustrating that they claim this update enhances transparency in the signing process. A visit to any hospital will reveal how one often signs away important rights without thorough understanding.
    It would be interested to know who conceived this great idea.
  • igotthisnow
    igotthisnow Registered User ✭✭✭
    Wow!   They should put everyone back on the original esign.  No one had issues...

  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Imbus - We have resolved the issue that was preventing tenants from using e-sign on Apple devices running iOS 18. Apple device users can now proceed with e-signing documents as normal.Thank you for your patience while we addressed this issue.

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