Exit Survey questions
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- How do you do find out who has responded to the exit survey and their comments. Currently the only way I know is to go through each tenant, and then clicking on exit survey. I'm looking for a report that I can run that will show comments. It's very time consuming to go through each one, when I can have anywhere from 50 to 150 each month.
- Currently the email body for the exit survey is blank. I have a letter typed out that I have to copy and paste each time. Where can I find out, how to edit the actual email body of the exit survey.
- Currently the email body for the exit survey is blank. I have a letter typed out that I have to copy and paste each time. Where can I find out, how to edit the actual email body of the exit survey.
Under reports there is a "custom report" near the bottom of the 4th column. Click on "Query" and under tenants it will have "exit survey", enter your date range. Then click on the green arrow.
(2) Under "set up", "forms" you should be able to edit your exit survey. To add your email body, go to setup and click "email", from there you can create a pre-defined email. Set up your exit survey in the CRM. When prompted to send those emails, you have an option (top right) to choose a pre-defined text.0
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