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Hello everyone. I am new to all this. My question is, what to do, when a customer passes away. And they have nobody listed as a alternate? What is the next step? I assume there are laws I have to follow. But, where do I begin?
Best Answers
In the past, I have mailed a letter to the home address in hopes that the children/family see it & reach out. I have had others that go through the lien process & are auctioned without anyone ever reaching out.1
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭It varies by state. But an alternate doesn't matter. At that point, it's up to probate. The unit should technically be overlocked until the paperwork is properly produced to you (whatever is required by your state).
If you need help, contact your state storage association for direction. You have to be really careful with this.1
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