Batch Report Processing~who is it for?

Every morning we run batch report processing with pre-checked forms that a former manager with our company set up when we got SiteLink. It prints a whole report, we put it in a drawer and then move the drawer to archives at the end of every month. Every year we send the 3 year old archives to shredding. I'm trying to save paper, no one in the company knows why we do this and the guy that set it up does not work here anymore. It would make sense if it was set to e-mail my accounting department in the corporate office. But it is set for print.  We are also set to close every night at midnight automatically. What happens if I don't batch in the morning? 


  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭

    Batch reporting is essentially a way to run multiple reports at once for a specific time frame. The good news is that you’re not locked into printing them every morning. If no one is actively using those printed reports, you can skip the printing step altogether. And don’t worry—if you ever need the data later, you can always run those reports again for the same time frame.

    See the screenshot below of the batch reporting screen. It shows the different report options available and where you can adjust the timeframe for the reports you do need.

    If emailing reports directly to your accounting department would be more useful, you can use the Report Scheduler to set that up instead. Here’s some info to learn how to configure it:

  • sonyawiprud
    sonyawiprud Registered User ✭✭✭

    Batch reporting is essentially a way to run multiple reports at once for a specific time frame. The good news is that you’re not locked into printing them every morning. If no one is actively using those printed reports, you can skip the printing step altogether. And don’t worry—if you ever need the data later, you can always run those reports again for the same time frame.

    See the screenshot below of the batch reporting screen. It shows the different report options available and where you can adjust the timeframe for the reports you do need.

    If emailing reports directly to your accounting department would be more useful, you can use the Report Scheduler to set that up instead. Here’s some info to learn how to configure it:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is going to save paper and the tedious task of training! 

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