Does Sitelink have the ability (or could it be added) to charge a fee for 'printed/mailed' documents

Marlese Registered User ✭✭
With the high cost of postage, paper, ink and envelopes plus the additional labor required to mail notices, seems like it is time to require tenants to give an email address.  This could probably be accomplished by charging extra for mail.

This would apply to all notices, late fee letters, rent increase letters etc.  It would add on automatically if the tenant is set for MAIL and when a letter/notice/fee is generated.


  • BusyProperties
    BusyProperties Registered User ✭✭✭
    We just work this into our rent rates. 
  • MamaDuke7
    MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 15
    We charge $1/month for printed invoices.  The way we do it is those that want those, we check the box to charge an invoice fee.  

    We have to manually do the invoices because it's a 2-part process.  We pull up the list and select all, then uncheck the ones showing the $1 fee.  We email the first free group.  Then go back and print the ones with the fee and mail those out. Those still also get an emailed copy if they have an email on file.

    For any other documents, you could certainly just add a fee in your SL for printed documents and apply it in "Edit Charges and Payments" before printing and sending something out.
  • storable_support
    storable_support Registered User, Registered Moderator, Community Manager ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @MarleseYou can choose to automatically charge an invoice fee by checking the box for Charge the default Invoice Fee when processing invoices. Here is some more information:
  • Marlese
    Marlese Registered User ✭✭
    Thank you all for your responses.  We are not wanting to add a fee for sending an invoice.  We are looking to have SL automatically add a charge for every ‘mailed’ notice.  This would be for overdue notices, rent increase notices etc.

    Not certain how we could work this into our rent rates, since it would not apply to tenants who receive emailed notices/letters?
  • MamaDuke7
    MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    Marlese said:
    Thank you all for your responses.  We are not wanting to add a fee for sending an invoice.  We are looking to have SL automatically add a charge for every ‘mailed’ notice.  This would be for overdue notices, rent increase notices etc.

    Not certain how we could work this into our rent rates, since it would not apply to tenants who receive emailed notices/letters?
    That should be accounted for as an average in the amount of the overdue fees, rent increases, etc.
  • sonyawiprud
    sonyawiprud Registered User ✭✭✭
    We charge a $25 fee when they are in default then another $25 fee when they are in lien, and then one more $25 fee for lock cuts (whether they have their lock cut or not at the time of the fee). So when they ask why is the fee so much I always tell them it's for the mailings and postage and processing. You are charging them fees and that is to cover the cost of time, paper, and postage. Certified postage is $5.75 per label so this covers that and more. 
    GM_SJ_BSS Registered User ✭✭✭
    Marlese said:
    Thank you all for your responses.  We are not wanting to add a fee for sending an invoice.  We are looking to have SL automatically add a charge for every ‘mailed’ notice.  This would be for overdue notices, rent increase notices etc.

    Not certain how we could work this into our rent rates, since it would not apply to tenants who receive emailed notices/letters?
    We require an email address.  I have about 8 tenants that either don't have one or don't want to provide one.  They are told that they will not get monthly invoices and we don't mail out past due notices if they don't have an email, we'll send a text, but the only notices we send through the postal mail are the rate increases (CT requires 30 day notice for any rate changes) and Lien notices.  I myself would not charge a print fee for a rate increase notice or for any letters we are required to send through the postal mail, as far as the Lien, we charge lien fees that cover all of that.  Oh and the only other time we would send something through the postal mail is if their phone number is no longer valid or the emails start bouncing back then I will send one out.
  • GlenMark
    GlenMark Registered User ✭✭✭
    MamaDuke7 said:
    We charge $1/month for printed invoices.  The way we do it is those that want those, we check the box to charge an invoice fee.  

    We have to manually do the invoices because it's a 2-part process.  We pull up the list and select all, then uncheck the ones showing the $1 fee.  We email the first free group.  Then go back and print the ones with the fee and mail those out. Those still also get an emailed copy if they have an email on file.

    For any other documents, you could certainly just add a fee in your SL for printed documents and apply it in "Edit Charges and Payments" before printing and sending something out.
    This is what we charge and how we do it as well.

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