How do you modify a table in a Form?

Our lease, which is an RTF form, uses a table for the vehicle information. I need to change what info we actually use, but I can't find anything about adding, deleting or modifying tables in Forms. Someone managed to add it in the first place, so there must be a way I can change it! Please advise.
Thank you!


  • themage
    themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 7
    There are preset tables, but mostly for receipts and invoices. Do you know what keyword(s) are being used to call the table?

    If it isn't using the built in tables, It would probably be easiest to export the document to a file and edit that file in word, then save it as a .rtf and import it back into Sitelink. It may need some adjustment in Sitelink after it is imported.
  • Highwest
    Highwest Registered User
    Thank you for the response!
    It must be a preset table because there aren't any keywords associated with it. It's Exhibit A, which is a boxed paragraph, for Lease #1, and I know that is a form SiteLink expects to exist. It has rows for information we don't collect, like lien holder and insurance carrier, so I want to get rid of them. I'll probably just delete the whole table and use underlines instead. Many of our tenants have multiple vehicles stored in one spot and the table is only designed for one.
    I really appreciate the answer, tho'! I didn't know until now that there was such a thing as "preset tables."

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