Rental Rate Increase

We are raising rental fees in May, How do I go into forms and change the old rate to new rate using the rtf form editor? I've done it before, but don't recall how to do it. I attached the form with the area highlighted for what I'm needing to edit. BTW, all of you that answer my questions are the BOMB. I truly appreciate all your help.

One more question, for those that use gmail, do they ever flag your invoices that you email as SPAM ? I still have problems emailing invoices. I can only send one at a time. Sitelink remote support says it's gmail/google causing it and the computer IT guy says it's an internal Windows issue. So I'm not really sure. We are getting a new PC in March with Windows 11, hope that fixes it. 



    GM_SJ_BSS Registered User ✭✭✭
    If you're using the 'Price Optimizer' in sitelink, once it appears under reminders and you approve the increases, sitelink will automatically fill in those areas on the rate increase forms and will also appear under the reminders to print and send out according to the settings you have in sitelink.  Like once approved, the notice will appear under reminders to print the increase letters 30 days prior to the effective increase date.  Here in CT we have to provide a 30 days notice of any rate increases.
  • aasstorage
    aasstorage Registered User ✭✭
    Thank you
  • aasstorage
    aasstorage Registered User ✭✭

    I've never used the Price Optimizer. Can you give me the steps to do it please? The increase will be effective for May 1st. My goal is to send out notices with My March invoices.

    Thank you
  • jimbo1956
    jimbo1956 Registered User ✭✭
    I dont use optimizer either--its easy to change
    Go to company
    Lower right -click on the edit rent button--it will display all your tenants.
    you can check mark one and it will pull up a screen to set the new rate and date.
    2nd option there is to check the wizard button -set the parameter you want to us such as unit size and it will check box all units meeting your criteria and you only set the rate and date 1 time and will update all those units.   The rtf form will fill all the information in the letter when it is printed. 
    GM_SJ_BSS Registered User ✭✭✭
    We are raising rental fees in May, How do I go into forms and change the old rate to new rate using the rtf form editor? I've done it before, but don't recall how to do it. I attached the form with the area highlighted for what I'm needing to edit. BTW, all of you that answer my questions are the BOMB. I truly appreciate all your help.

    One more question, for those that use gmail, do they ever flag your invoices that you email as SPAM ? I still have problems emailing invoices. I can only send one at a time. Sitelink remote support says it's gmail/google causing it and the computer IT guy says it's an internal Windows issue. So I'm not really sure. We are getting a new PC in March with Windows 11, hope that fixes it. 

    How are you determining who gets a rate increase?  Do you have set amount or percentage you are increasing them by?  How are you currently changing the rates in sitelink?  (what steps are you doing)
  • aasstorage
    aasstorage Registered User ✭✭
    I used the price optimizer. I was able to change all the prices except for the empty ones. It would only let me change price but not the effective date, unless I'm doing it wrong. (Can you tell me how please?) We raised prices in comparison to what other facilities with similar amenities as us. We also have not done a price increase since 2019. We do give tenants with two or more units a discount and if any pay for six months or a year upfront, we give them a discount also. 

    GM_SJ_BSS Registered User ✭✭✭

    I've never used the Price Optimizer. Can you give me the steps to do it please? The increase will be effective for May 1st. My goal is to send out notices with My March invoices.

    Thank you

    I going attach the directions to set up the 'Price Optimizer'   Hope this helps 

    To configure your tenant rate settings and plans in SiteLink Web Edition, navigate to the Company page and click Tenant Rate Optimization. 


    Check Enable tenant rate management. This box must be checked in order to make changes to tenant rate optimization.


    Make selections for the following settings:

    Thresholds For Qualifying For A Rate Change 

    • Minimum % occupancy by unit & area: Enter a minimum occupancy percentage for a unit group to qualify for a rate change. 
    • Exclude unit types and areas with less than X total units: Select this option to opt units out of rate changes once the unit group reaches a certain number of available units. Enter the threshold of available units in the unit group before rate changes will no longer be applied.
    • Minimum % occupancy of the entire facility: Enter the minimum occupancy percent at your entire facility (not a unit group) for rate changes to take place.
    • Days since rate was last changed greater than or equal to: Enter the number of days since a rate change was last implemented before another rate change should take place. 
    • Days since the move-in date greater than or equal to: Enterthe number of days since the tenant moved in before their rate is increased.
    • Exclude commercial tenants: Select this option to exclude Commercial tenants from rate increases. 
    • Only update tenant rates that are less than the standard rate: Select this option to ensure only tenants paying less than the Standard Rate will be affected by rate increases.
    • Exclude tenants with non-expiring discounts: Select this option to exclude tenants that have non-expiring discounts, such as Military discounts, from rate increases.

    Pending Rate Review Before Acceptance: Highlight Special Cases 

    These options help you identify tenants who have drastic rent rate variances before committing to increase their rates. If a tenant falls into the criteria you set, they will be highlighted on the Pending Tenant Rate Changes screen.

    • Rate change is more than (+/- %): The tenant’s pending rate change will be highlighted if it is more than the percent of their rent you enter. 
    • Rate change is more than (+/- amount): The tenant’s pending rate change will be highlighted if it is more than the dollar amount you enter.
    • Days since last rate change is greater than: The tenant’s pending rate change will be highlighted if it has been more than the number of days you enter since their last rate change.
    • Days since move-in is greater than: The tenant’s pending rate change will be highlighted if it has been more than the number of days you enter since they moved in.
    • Suggested rates more than x% above standard: The tenant’s pending rate change will be highlighted if it is more than the percentage you enter above the unit’s Standard Rate. 
    • Suggested rates less than x% below standard: The tenant’s pending rate change will be highlighted if it is less than the percentage you enter below the unit’s Standard Rate. 

    Tenant Rate Increase Goal

    Select one of the following options to set your rate increase goal.

    • Set tenants’ rates to units’ standard rates: Use this option if you want to increase rates for tenants who are below Standard Rate for their unit.
    • Increase tenants rates by a target goal percentage of the current tenants rate: Use this option to set a target percentage of tenants’ current rent rate for rate increases.
    • Increase tenants rates by a target amount: Use this option to set a target dollar amount for rate increases.

    Rate Change Options

    • Minimum change (before rounding): Set a minimum dollar amount for rent increases.
    • Maximum change (before rounding): Set a maximum dollar amount for rent increases.
    • Round: Set an option to round increases if you would like. 
    • Do not exceed the units standard rate: Check this box to ensure rate increases do not exceed the unit’s Standard Rate.
    • Review tenant rates every X Month(s): Select how often you would like to see the task in your Reminders to review tenant rates. 
    • Send rental rate increase notice X day(s) in advance of rent increase: Enter the number of days before a rate increase takes place to send notices to impacted tenants. We recommend 30-45 days.
    • Increase for only certain zip codes: If you would like to enable rate increases for specific zip codes, you can do so by checking the boxes on the left of the line items as shown below. increase_by_zippng

    Click OK to save your selections when you are done.

    GM_SJ_BSS Registered User ✭✭✭
    I used the price optimizer. I was able to change all the prices except for the empty ones. It would only let me change price but not the effective date, unless I'm doing it wrong. (Can you tell me how please?) We raised prices in comparison to what other facilities with similar amenities as us. We also have not done a price increase since 2019. We do give tenants with two or more units a discount and if any pay for six months or a year upfront, we give them a discount also. 

    Make sure you enable the tenant rate management at the top left, if that enable, you should be able to change the effective date under the tenant's ledger setting screen, also once you enable it, on the right side of the screen you should see     'send out rate increase notice __ days in advance of effective date' once you input the amount of days in advance you want to send the notice out, they will appear under your reminders to print with the increase automatically enter in the form.  ( CT we have to give a 30 day notice of any rate changes, so I have mine sent at 36 because I included a few days for the mailing). 
  • MamaDuke7
    MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
    I used the price optimizer. I was able to change all the prices except for the empty ones. It would only let me change price but not the effective date, unless I'm doing it wrong. (Can you tell me how please?) We raised prices in comparison to what other facilities with similar amenities as us. We also have not done a price increase since 2019. We do give tenants with two or more units a discount and if any pay for six months or a year upfront, we give them a discount also. 

    This is done in a different place.

    Company > Modify Units > Batch Edit Standard Rates

    The price optimizer is for existing customers.  The standard rates are for available units (and includes rented units for when they become available in the future.
  • aasstorage
    aasstorage Registered User ✭✭
    Thanks to all for answering my questions. I will try what you suggested. Hope everyone has a great weekend.  :)

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