Texting and SiteLink

Wondering how existing SiteLink users are texting (SMS) their Tenants?
We are using a third party and have, I believe, a 160 character limit now.
Seems like there must be a better solution developed since we adopted ours years ago.
Anyone found a vendor and/or solution they really like?


  • BusyProperties
    BusyProperties Registered User ✭✭✭
    edited March 10
    I have used SMS Resources since 2020 & also have a character limit. I don't mind the limit, I can say what I need & request a phone call if further discussion is required. 
  • SelfStorageSMS
    SelfStorageSMS Registered User
    edited March 11
    We are an authorized vendor and have solutions that would assist you with this issue.  I am not allowed to "advertise" on this forum, so please message me if you'd like to learn more.
    Mahalo 🤙🏽
    808-345-3275 text/call


    808-345-3275 text&call  |  bo@selfstoragesms.com  |  SelfStorageSMS.com

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