Getting started with Late2Lien™

JeffreyGreenberger Late2Lien Moderator, Self-Storage Legal Moderator
edited April 2017 in Late2Lien

Here's what you can expect when getting started with Late2Lien™:

Implementation Expectations
• No setup fees, subscription fees, or support fees
• No downtime or operational interruptions — the bulk of the effort is on us!
• Staff training takes approximately 15 minutes
• Seamlessly integrates into your current, corporate process

SiteLink Implementation (5-7 Days)
1. Determine the starting point
2. Establish a SiteLink User Name and Password for Late2Lien™
3. Staff Training — 15 minutes

Other Software Implementation
Late2Lien™ is currently working with other software providers to establish a direct integration. Call us today to find out when your software will be integrated.

1. Decide the starting point
2. Reserve priority placement on the Late2Lien™ Implementation Calendar
3. Upon establishment of integration, implementation and validation takes approximately 5-7 days
4. Staff Training — 15 minutes

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