Every week there seems to be a new diet or food trend sponsored by celebrity chefs, food bloggers or friends and family. Some have come and gone over the years with mixed results. I've started a list of currently popular ones. Or, maybe you remember one from the past that seemed great at the time...

Paleo diet: Think cavepeople--hunting and gathering only, so say goodbye to mac 'n' cheese

Gluten free: Just as it says, no gluten.
Juicing: Make juice from fruits and veggies to get more vitamins and minerals into your daily diet.
Vegetarian: No meat but typically eggs, cheese and milk are ok (yay ice cream!)
Vegan: No animal products whatsoever.
Detox/cleanse diet: A meal plan aimed at ridding your body of toxins.
No-carb or low-carb: More protein, less carbs. Farewell bread

What do you think of these? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!