Should You Get Self-Storage Over the Summer? [Article]

Summer break is one of the highlights of a student’s college years simply because it is the one time of the year during their studies that they are not actually required to study. Unless you are taking summer classes, you get a good four months off to do as you please, whether that is sleep, work, travel, go to the beach, etc.
However, before you can get the blissful relaxation that summer break is, you have to deal with all the stressful hurdles to get there. One of the most common obstacles that stand in the way of a student getting to leave town and heading off to their idyllic summer break is what to do with all of their belongings over the summer.
Some students are lucky enough to be able to continue living in the same space...[Keep Reading]
However, before you can get the blissful relaxation that summer break is, you have to deal with all the stressful hurdles to get there. One of the most common obstacles that stand in the way of a student getting to leave town and heading off to their idyllic summer break is what to do with all of their belongings over the summer.
Some students are lucky enough to be able to continue living in the same space...[Keep Reading]
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