Questions about Self Storage Pricing?
VeritecSolutions Moderator ✭
This Discussion allows you to ask any question you would like about self storage pricing and changing customer rents. Go ahead, ask anything and we'll attempt to answer your question as best we can!
How do I set a unit rate so they change to a new price upon tenant vacating? I need all my 5x10's to change to a new rate as soon as its vacated. Thanks0
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭You just set the standard rates to what you want them to be (using the Batch Edit Standard Rates). When they vacate, they will come up as available with the new rate that you applied.2
Got it! Thanks for your help😊0
Do I change it for both columns, standard rate and new standard rate?0
Oh I see it automatically changes both columns, forget my question. Thanks!2
Hey. I am looking for self-storage units in Markham. I need to transfer my stuff from a storage unit in North York to Markham. They are asking for more rent now and I can't afford it. I am not familiar with storage units in Markham. One of my friends suggested a storage unit and he told me that they offer the best self-storage prices in Markham.
Does anyone have previous experience with them?
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