Oprah says a closet full of shoes won’t make you happy — why I got rid of most of my stuff years ago
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Oprah Winfrey gave a commencement address at Agnes Scott College.
Media mogul and former talk-show host Oprah Winfrey has made a fortune worth an estimated $3 billion.
And she still says filling a closet full of stuff might not be worth it. Winfrey gave the commencement address at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Ga., this weekend and told the graduates that their “biggest reward” in life will never be a financial one. “Those of you who have a lot of shoes know having a closet full of shoes doesn’t fill up your life,” she said. “Living a life of substance can.” [Keep Reading]
And she still says filling a closet full of stuff might not be worth it. Winfrey gave the commencement address at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Ga., this weekend and told the graduates that their “biggest reward” in life will never be a financial one. “Those of you who have a lot of shoes know having a closet full of shoes doesn’t fill up your life,” she said. “Living a life of substance can.” [Keep Reading]
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