Uber transformed the taxi industry by making it easy to hail a ride with the touch of a button.
Now, an early Uber employee wants to apply the same idea of making it more convenient and affordable to a market that is typically neither: self-storage.
[Read full article here]
"Uber for Storage" - Great idea or waste of money?
We were just talking about this in the office! I think it makes sense in large cities like Chicago and New York, but not necessarily in the smaller suburbs.1
People who are really super busy might like it too. We'll see if it takes off.0
There is a market for it in places with a lot of timeshares. Like Disney in Florida. There is a company is called Owner's Lockers. They store items that people would not like to take on a plane when they visit their timeshare. They pick up and deliver on a schedule. They are not out on our coast, not as many Disney timeshares here
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