How did you get started in self-storage?
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Myself and quite a few others I know all have the same source... craigslist as far as finding the job. Looked into joining the industry as a way for my wife and I to work together.
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websterb Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭Answered a help wanted ad in the local paper for a part time position at a family owned facility. Been employed full time since 6/15/05. Blessed to work at a family owned, well respected business.2
Thanks for telling your story, and welcome! Hope you're enjoying the forum.1
I rented 2 units when I moved. The manager was working alone. I told him he looked like he could use some help and that I would be looking for a job. A week later, he called me to come on in to work. No interview or anything. That was nearly 4 years ago. I have since followed him to a different facility and hope to be The Manager one day.3
Amy Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭A friend of mine was working as an accountant and passed my information along to the owner. He brought me in for an interview and hired me on the spot. I worked as a customer service representative for two years before I left and began working at an animal hospital. About 3 years later he called me back and hired me back as a manager/accountant/assistant (Girl Friday-as he calls it). Now I am currently at my own location as a manager and oversee another facility.2
My dad had some land and we did research and seen where storage was a good investment.. So in 2007 we opened, and I have been running it ever since.2
I worked along side my girl friend, and when she got sick they ask me if I would fill that role. I have been doing this for 3 years.2
I was in property management driving 1000 miles a week. Called my nephew told him I was looking for something a little different that was closer to home. He said, that he had a position for a Resident Manager. Would that be close enough to home? I said, "Don't you think I'll be bored considering, I'm on the go all the time"? He laughed and said. "Hmmm! NO! I don't think so. We'll keep you busy". The facility was only at 70% Occ. Boy he was right! Took it from 70% to 93% in 1year. Not sure if that is good. But, I do love my job and all my customers. I have been here for 4 years and a new set of Owners took over a year ago. Not so busy anymore. The main office does most of the work on SL. I feel more like a clerk then a manager. But I am staying for my customers..
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