Disable Past Due Events Report
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I'm looking for a report that shows which tenants have been Disabled for Past Due Events. I saw a very old, similar post that said to run the "Rent Roll" but the field I'm looking for "bDisablePDue" is not showing up
. Can anyone please assist? Thank you
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭The bDisablePDue column only shows up if you export the report (to excel for example). If you open the resulting spreadsheet, there are many, many more columns. In mine, bDisablePDue is column CA.5
Has this report been changed? I am also trying to find the Disabled Past Due Report and downloaded in excel, but diabled past due events is not a column.0
Hi, @jcalabrese. This report remains the same as described by @themage: Column CA shows the value of the bDisablePDue flag. If you're having any issues, however, please give Support a call and we'll happily walk you through this! 919-865-0789, Option 20
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