Insurance question
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in California
How can we move a new tenant in with out having insurance added. The box has permant check mark.
we unchecked the insurance last week with sitlink techs in set up but the problem is not remedied
we unchecked the insurance last week with sitlink techs in set up but the problem is not remedied
We also have a permanent check mark on insurance as we require insurance. If they provide their own, we click the plus (+) beside the insurance where we can cancel the policy and apply the proof of coverage.0
@lorrieowens - Here are some instructions on default insurance - If you are still having issues, please reach out to support again and we can help you troubleshoot. -Lyndsey H
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Thank You !0
- Here are some instructions on default insurance - geometry dash lite. If you are still having issues, please reach out to support again and we can help you troubleshoot. -Lyndsey H0
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