Wants their unit weeks after the auction....
Registered User ✭✭✭
Two auction scenarios (sold 3 weeks ago & all steps followed) - what would you do?
1. In woman's name, she goes to jail so husband steps in & pays for a year. Follow auction process (I give 8 full weeks notice), sending emails, text messages to both #'s, etc. Husband calls to say he will have it paid before auction. I notify them a few more times with no response. She calls in 2 weeks after asking to pay balance from a DIFFERENT #.
2. In mans name, items in it are actually alternate's (found out later). I send him (at his request) 2 agreements last summer for her to sign & send back to get it out of his name; never returned it. He calls in upon receiving letter in Feb & says he will pay it prior to sale date. Then calls in night before sale to tell me I am going to keep it & let him make payments. I let him know that if I did that for one I would have to do it for all & I simply was not going to do it. She just called today (3 weeks later & like a letter never went out) & asked if she could pay up the unit.
8 weeks notice plus letters, emails, multiple text messages, & a notice in the paper 2 weeks straight.
1. In woman's name, she goes to jail so husband steps in & pays for a year. Follow auction process (I give 8 full weeks notice), sending emails, text messages to both #'s, etc. Husband calls to say he will have it paid before auction. I notify them a few more times with no response. She calls in 2 weeks after asking to pay balance from a DIFFERENT #.
2. In mans name, items in it are actually alternate's (found out later). I send him (at his request) 2 agreements last summer for her to sign & send back to get it out of his name; never returned it. He calls in upon receiving letter in Feb & says he will pay it prior to sale date. Then calls in night before sale to tell me I am going to keep it & let him make payments. I let him know that if I did that for one I would have to do it for all & I simply was not going to do it. She just called today (3 weeks later & like a letter never went out) & asked if she could pay up the unit.
8 weeks notice plus letters, emails, multiple text messages, & a notice in the paper 2 weeks straight.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I had one call last week 14 MONTHS after it was sold!!! Like, you really think you can ignore payments for 3 years and your stuff will still be here??? (We held off that auction for a long time due to covid. The last payment they made was May 2020!)1
MamaDuke7 said:I had one call last week 14 MONTHS after it was sold!!! Like, you really think you can ignore payments for 3 years and your stuff will still be here??? (We held off that auction for a long time due to covid. The last payment they made was May 2020!)1
And you should have ESP and know their new address too.1
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