Wants their unit weeks after the auction....
Registered User ✭✭✭
Two auction scenarios (sold 3 weeks ago & all steps followed) - what would you do?
1. In woman's name, she goes to jail so husband steps in & pays for a year. Follow auction process (I give 8 full weeks notice), sending emails, text messages to both #'s, etc. Husband calls to say he will have it paid before auction. I notify them a few more times with no response. She calls in 2 weeks after asking to pay balance from a DIFFERENT #.
2. In mans name, items in it are actually alternate's (found out later). I send him (at his request) 2 agreements last summer for her to sign & send back to get it out of his name; never returned it. He calls in upon receiving letter in Feb & says he will pay it prior to sale date. Then calls in night before sale to tell me I am going to keep it & let him make payments. I let him know that if I did that for one I would have to do it for all & I simply was not going to do it. She just called today (3 weeks later & like a letter never went out) & asked if she could pay up the unit.
8 weeks notice plus letters, emails, multiple text messages, & a notice in the paper 2 weeks straight.
1. In woman's name, she goes to jail so husband steps in & pays for a year. Follow auction process (I give 8 full weeks notice), sending emails, text messages to both #'s, etc. Husband calls to say he will have it paid before auction. I notify them a few more times with no response. She calls in 2 weeks after asking to pay balance from a DIFFERENT #.
2. In mans name, items in it are actually alternate's (found out later). I send him (at his request) 2 agreements last summer for her to sign & send back to get it out of his name; never returned it. He calls in upon receiving letter in Feb & says he will pay it prior to sale date. Then calls in night before sale to tell me I am going to keep it & let him make payments. I let him know that if I did that for one I would have to do it for all & I simply was not going to do it. She just called today (3 weeks later & like a letter never went out) & asked if she could pay up the unit.
8 weeks notice plus letters, emails, multiple text messages, & a notice in the paper 2 weeks straight.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I had one call last week 14 MONTHS after it was sold!!! Like, you really think you can ignore payments for 3 years and your stuff will still be here??? (We held off that auction for a long time due to covid. The last payment they made was May 2020!)1
MamaDuke7 said:I had one call last week 14 MONTHS after it was sold!!! Like, you really think you can ignore payments for 3 years and your stuff will still be here??? (We held off that auction for a long time due to covid. The last payment they made was May 2020!)
The other was angry with me because I should have known that she changed her # ???
2 -
And you should have ESP and know their new address too.2
That's what happens when you go to jail immediately without getting things in order. Oh, and no friends or family willing to pay up for you. 😉0
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